Registering as a Dealer on Chrono24

How to Become a Dealer on Chrono24:
1. Create a dealer account
First, set up access to our marketplace, provide us with some basic information about your business, and create your login information.
2. Complete your information
Before you can start selling, we'll need some personal and business-related documents from you. Together, we'll also determine which tax numbers you need to provide.
3. Započnite svoje probno razdoblje
Nakon uspješne provjere vaših podataka i dokumenata bit ćete spremni za probno razdoblje. Objavite oglase i prodajte diljem svijeta.

Since Chrono24 is located in Germany, we are subject to EU law. This means that we need to collect some data about your company before you begin using our marketplace. That way, you can better use your trial period to sell your watches.

Please have the following info and documents ready for registration:

Pravna osoba / društvo kapitala

  • Commercial registration number
  • Commercial register excerpt
  • Taxpayer ID number
  • VAT identification number
  • Payment account information
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of ID
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Chrono24 shareholder declaration
    (Download template)

Fizička osoba / poduzetnik

  • Taxpayer ID number
  • VAT identification number
  • Payment account information
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of ID
  • Business registration

Further information

Podatci za direktivu DAC 7

VAT information

We can only register you as a dealer if you meet the following requirements:

  • You have a business or company entered into the commercial register
  • Vaš inventar obuhvaćanja najmanje 50 satova
  • Ukupno 50 vaših satova ima vrijednost od najmanje 2.000 EUR

Please be aware that we reserve the right to deny registration requests.

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