Certified Authentic watches.

Carefree purchasing thanks to Certified.

Explore certification options

The World’s Largest Selection of Certified Pre-Owned Watches

As part of our Certified program, the authenticity of each watch is checked and certified by a verified watchmaker. Browse a unique selection of over 60.000 certified watches to find your dream watch.

  1. Professional Authenticity Check

    Every certified watch undergoes a comprehensive check against specific criteria. This is the only way we can guarantee the authenticity of your watch.
    Learn more

  2. Verified Watchmakers

    We vet and verify every watchmaker who certifies watches for us. We make sure they have all the necessary qualifications and technical equipment.
    Find out more

  3. Certificate of Authenticity and Authenticity Guarantee

    A digital certificate of authenticity guarantees that the watch meets our definition of authenticity. And for added peace of mind, you'll also receive an authenticity guarantee.
    Learn more

Our Commitment to Authenticity

With over 20 years of experience in the watch industry, we know that there are different views on what "authenticity" means. That's why we define authenticity clearly and transparently – so that you are well informed before you buy.

Learn how we categorize the various components of a watch and determine their authenticity.

Read authenticity brochure

Certified: Two Paths, One Standard

Certification is carried out according to the same standards, regardless of whether you buy your watch through Partner Certified or Chrono24 Certified.
The following overview compares the two paths to certification:

Partner Certified Chrono24 Certified
Responsible watchmaker Verified watchmaker working with the dealer Watchmaker working with Chrono24
Authenticity check
Certificate of authenticity
Authenticity guarantee
Theft check against database for stolen watches
Shipping included
Price included 249 €

Explore Both Certification Options

Certified Free of Charge by a Verified Watchmaker

With Partner Certified, we work exclusively with experienced dealers who meet our strict criteria for participation. As partners, they offer watches that have already been certified authentic by a verified watchmaker prior to being listed on our marketplace. The watchmakers work for our partners and have been carefully vetted for their qualifications and technical equipment.

How to Buy a Partner Certified Watch

How does certification work?

How does certification work? How does certification work? How does certification work? How does certification work?

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